Venetian blinds are the window coverings used for blocking sunlight and enjoying the privacy. When these items are exposed to moisture or sunlight, they can be covered with mildew stains. Removing these mildews is challenging task. Here are a few tips that you must consider to clean stains from these items.
Use White Vinegar
Removing mildew can be a challenging job. The task of cleaning mildew can be done by using vinegar. Vinegar is a natural ingredient and is safe to be used on any kind of item. Whether these items are made from fabric, plastic or vinyl, vinegar removes stain easily. The best way to remove mildew from the blinds is to remove them from the windows and place them in the courtyard. The next step is to spray vinegar on the blind surface and keep them for at least one hour. You should again use a clean cloth or sponge to scrub the items and wash them with a tube.
Make use of Lemon Juice
This type of juice is used to remove mildew from these blinds. To accomplish the task, you first have to bring these items outside the house and put a clean tablecloth under them. You should then spray juice on them and keep them for one hour. The last step is to remove the blinds with a wet cloth as well as allow them to become dry in sunlight.
Use Oil Extracted from Tea Tree
The oil produced from tea tree is used to clean venetian blinds and other furniture. While this type of oil is bit expensive, it can remove mildew stain, dirt and dust from the surface of the window easily. To clean the item, you have to mix two tablespoons of oil inside two cups of water and use the mixture to remove mold, mildew or dust from the window. You can spray the mixture on the affected area for two or three times to clean mildew stains. Once the process is done, you have to wipe out these items with clean cloths. The oil has a strong smell that goes away only after two or three days. If the smell is very strong you can use room freshener to get rid of the foul smell.
Use Hard Brush
Another way to remove the stain and dust from the surface of the window is to use a stiff brush. You can brush the blind in a downward direction only.
Use Sponge Coated with Nylon
You can scrub the vertical blinds with clean nylon covered sponge cloths and remove mildew and dust that have accumulated on these items. These sponges are stronger than common sponges and they do not leave additional fragments on the items.
Buy vacuum Cleaner
Another way to clean the items is to use the vacuum cleaner. You have to brush them horizontally and do not rub them from the upward or downward direction.
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