ABC's of Health Benefits to a Clean House

Written by
Life Maid Easy Team
Published on
March 9, 2023

Yes, it’s very easy to blow off keeping the house clean. But did you know that there are serious health benefits that come with a clean house? Here are the most important ones to think about:

  • Allergies

Want to take aim at your allergies? Start with a clean house. Routine cleaning keeps away irritating allergens, dust, dust mites, human hair, pet dander and hair, and countless other allergens. Why bother? Allergens can trigger symptoms that are a lot like having a bad cold or even the flu. People with more serious health problems like asthma, emphysema, and other respiratory issues can only be sure of breathing easy in a clean house.

  • Bugs

Speaking of dust mites, these aren’t the only pests that plague a dirty home. Ants, cockroaches, and other bugs prefer untidy areas with many places to hide. Routine cleaning allows you to find bugs and get rid of them. Don’t let your house turn into a bug paradise; keep it clean.

  • Clutter

It may seem silly, but it’s true: you can’t clean with too much clutter around. Even if you’re no cleaning ace yourself, hiring a cleaning servicewill prompt you to get rid of clutter and stay more organized. After all, if the cleaning service is coming, you’d better get the clutter out of their way!

  • Diet

Does anyone want to cook when there’s already a sink full of dirty dishes? Dirty kitchens are a pizza delivery person’s best friend. On the other hand, a clean kitchen makes you want to use it. Let your kitchen serve as the functional space it’s meant to be and improve your diet and nutrition to boot.

  • Exercise

If you clean your house yourself, you’re also working out. Picking up toys, doing the dishes, mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming all gets your blood pumping and burns calories.

  • Funk

Do you have a musty smell throughout your house? How about mold? Old food? A neglected litter box somewhere? A clean house smells good. If you want to fight the funk, keep it clean.

  • Germs

Each time your home gets treated with disinfectants, you are banishing bacteria, fungi, germs, molds, viruses, and other microorganisms. Your cleaning agents are your weapons against everything from E. coli, a foodborne microorganism which causes serious illness, to staph, which can kill you. A house that gets a regular cleaning with effective products (and elbow grease) is unfriendly to germs.

  • Happiness

Coming home to a clean house is a wonderful feeling. Even the acts of getting rid of clutter and cleaning in and of themselves can improve your mood. A messy house is a great place to lose something important—like your wallet, glasses, or keys—at just the wrong time. And how embarrassing to have unexpected company who has to wait for you to clear a space for them on the sofa. Eliminate extra anger, anxiety, embarrassment, and frustration from your life by keeping the house clean.

  • Injury

Clutter can trip you up, literally. And it also presents a fire hazard. Do you need to have your lit cell phone on just to get through the room after dark without injury? Keeping your home clean will free up space and reduce your risk of injury.

  • From A to Z: The Clean House Bottom Line

Could we go on with health benefits to keeping your house clean? Yes! But there’s no need; it’s obvious how much a clean house can benefit your health. Keep yourself and your family feeling great inside a clean home.

Life Maid Easy is a fast growing company that offers eco-friendly house cleaning services, maid services and carpet cleaning Vancouver and Carpet Cleaning Toronto with franchises across Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, North Shore, Whiterock and recently Toronto.

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