Here is a list of some “Around the House Staples” that also work to help clean your home.
- White Bread – Gently dab a slice of white bread over the surface of a dusty oil painting to pick up the dirt and grim.
- Ketchup – Remove tarnish from copper and brass cookware by squeezing some ketchup onto a cloth and rub it onto your pots and pans then rinse them off with warm water and a dry towel.
- Oatmeal – Make a thick paste of oatmeal and water and scrub your hands with them to remove that hard to remove dirt on your hands. Be sure to rinse well after.
- Rice – Clean the inside of a vase or a thin necked bottle by filling it three quarters with warm water then add a tablespoon of uncooked rice, cup your hand over the opening and shake vigorously then rinse it out.
- Tea – Brew a few pots of strong black tea and let it cool down, after cooled pour into a bucket and soak your tools in them for a few hours to remove rust. Be sure to wipe each one with a cloth.
- Club Soda – To shine up a scuffed stainless steel sink just buff the sink with a cloth dampened with club soda followed by wiping with a dry cloth.
- Hydrogen Peroxide – Disinfect and clean a dirty keyboard by dipping a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and then cleaning in between each key.
- Cornstarch – Pour some cornstarch onto grease stains on your carpet and let sit for 20 to 30 minutes before vacuuming.
- Rubbing Alcohol – Erase permanent marker stains from wood floors by pouring a bit of rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball and rubbing it on the market stain.
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