The Wet Washcloth Trick

Written by
Life Maid Easy Team
Published on
July 6, 2022

The iron is a tool we can not live without but sometimes it just takes too long to use when you are super busy.

A great and quick trick to de-wrinkle those clothes in 15 minutes or less is to throw any wrinkled clothes into the clothes dryer along with a damp washcloth and run the dryer for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how wrinkled the clothes are.

The steam emitted from the damp washcloth smooths the wrinkles the same way that an iron does plus gives you an extra 10 to 15 minutes that you may have used before for ironing.

Shake Your Clothes Before Drying:

Most of us have the tendency to just pull the clothes out of the washing machine and throw them straight into the dryer but those twists and clumps that the washing machine leaves some of your clothes in does not always go away while being dried.

So before throwing your clothes into the dryer, give each item a quick shake to undo those clumps and twists that cause wrinkling.

Check Your Dryer Settings:

Slower Spin Speeds and Lower Temperatures help minimize wrinkles in clothing, especially cotton.

Even though most dryer settings are designed to reduce rumpling it is best to check your Dryer manual for the best setting for running your machine.

Remove Clothes From The Dryer ASAP:

Most people leave their clothes sitting in the dryer for hours, sometimes days, after the drying has completed.

When the clothes begin to settle in the dryer it tends to cause creases in the clothing which causes wrinkes so it is best to pull them out as soon as possible and begin folding or hanging in the closet.

Fold Your Tops Into Thirds:

By folding your shirts, sweaters and any other top piece of clothing in half, you end up leaving a crease down the middle which causes wrinkling.

Instead fold all your tops into thirds which helps avoid the crease.

Life Maid Easy is a fast growing company that offers eco-friendly house cleaning services, maid services and carpet cleaning with franchises across Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, North Shore, Whiterock and recently Toronto.

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