Cleaning of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Written by
Life Maid Easy Team
Published on
March. 17, 2016

The best solution to have a clean finish project at the end of construction is to prevent staining during the construction project. It is important to protect the GFRC during storage, setting and after it is installed. GFRC should be stored off the ground on non-staining planks or pallets. The GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) storage site should be out of the way of heavy construction traffic. If the GFRC is going to be stored for an extended period of time, it should be kept on pallets and covered with nonstaining tarps or plastic. Once it is installed, GFRC pilasters, columns, windowsills, panels etc. should be protected with the plastic nonstaining material during the remaining construction.

After construction, final wash down may be needed. Use of acids or brick cleaners is not recommended. The most common stain from construction is dirt. Dirt can be removed from GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) by scrubbing with a mild detergent and water. When other stains are encountered, the most important step is to identify the stain and its cause. Any treatment used to clean GFRC should be tested in a small inconspicuous area prior to cleaning the main units.

Power washing and sandblasting or not recommended procedures for cleaning GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete). Metal fiber brushes should not be used for scrubbing GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) they may scar the surface, and small bits of metal residue from the brush, left on the GFRC may later rust or corrode and cause staining.

Life Maid Easy is a fast growing company that offers eco-friendly house cleaning services, maid services and carpet cleaning with franchises across Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, North Shore, Whiterock and recently Toronto.

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