7 Steps to Going Green

Written by
Life Maid Easy Team
Published on
Feb. 20, 2020

More and more people are becoming aware of their environment and want to find a way of preserving it  and to encourage restoring it to its former glory so more people have chosen to Go Green

The question how can you actually go green ??

There are many ways by which you could help improve the environment by going green.  You can help the environment by simply changing a few things in your lifestyle. These new habits aren’t very difficult to incorporate in your life, and these habits will make this world a better place.

The best way to do that is recycling anything that you can use again.

Another thing you can do is converting to vegetarianism.

If you really want to go green, here is a list of 7 ways to follow your goal -:

1.  First of all, you must be decide if going green is the main reason or motive you want to become a vegetarian or are their other factors. You must be confident in yourself, and that would go a long way in helping you to overcome the temptations of eating meat.

2. If you are a serious meat eater, it is better to start gradually towards vegetarianism. You can’t become from non-vegetarian to die hard vegetarian in a day. If you try too hard, you can lose motivation and stop trying to pursue a vegetarian lifestyle. You can start by becoming a semi-vegetarian and slowing the transition to different vegetarian type if you want to become a vegan. Start cooking-semi vegetarian dishes to get you going.

3. You should try out new and tasty vegetarian dishes to keep you in your path. Going vegetarian doesn’t mean that you have to eat just green leafy and tasteless vegetarian dishes. There are a number of vegetarian dishes which are tastier than non-vegetarian dishes, and which may not have been discovered by you. You can use the recipe books for finding these tasty dishes.

4. You should include more and more of fruits, juices, whole grain cereals, lettuce etc in your daily food cycle. You should prefer high fibre and low-calorie foods than fatty foods. Vegetables are great for those people who want to lose weight.

5. Inform your doctor first about your decision to become a vegetarian and seek the health of professional nutritionist to understand which vegetables will be most beneficial for you. You can also seek the help of meditation and yoga classes as they could go a long way in overcoming the temptations offered by meat dishes. You have to be strong mentally to keep away a habit you have been practising for a long time.

6. Tell your friends and family about new decision and lifestyle.

7. If you really want to succeed in your goal of turning vegetarian, the most important attribute you need is your willpower. It is not easy to turn vegetarian and you must be determined and self-confident to overcome the temptations of meat and the challenges.

Becoming vegetarian it’s not as difficult as you think it may be.  If you follow the above tips, going green will can be a walk in the park.
Source by Vegetarian Newbie

Life Maid Easy is a fast growing company that offers eco-friendly house cleaning services, maid services and carpet cleaning with franchises across Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, North Shore, Whiterock and recently Toronto.

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